Postnatal yoga classes

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Designed to support postpartum recovery and the transition into motherhood.

Postnatal yoga is designed to support postpartum recovery and the transition into motherhood. These classes will address the physical and emotional challenges many new mothers face, from lack of sleep and heightened sensitivity to celebrating your body's incredible journey. With everything from progressive core programs to practices to do with your baby, you'll find the ongoing and unconditional support you need.


Level 1 20 mins

This class covers the foundational breathwork technique that is best for those with diastasis recti, a condition that causes a separation of the abdominal wall that is common among postpartum women. Learn how to breathe efficiently in Child’s Pose, a side-lying pose, and Savasana to help return abdominal muscles to their original place. This class previously aired on September 21, 2023. Please note: This class can be one aspect of a healing regimen. We recommend you consult your doctor before practicing and for further treatment.


Level 1 45 mins

Take time for postnatal self-care, you deserve it. This gentle practice is just what you need to supplement post-birth healing for that extra ounce of vitality to make it through long days. Enjoy a slow-moving sequence with Half Moon, Extended Side Angle, Camel variations, Bridge, and Reclined Big Toe Pose to open your shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings. This class previously aired on June 20, 2023. Please note: Postnatal yoga is for those who have consulted a doctor or midwife and are cleared for exercise.


Level 1-2 45 mins

As your body recalibrates after giving birth, this practice celebrates where you are on your postnatal path. Begin with a guided self-assessment, then tap into curiosity and joy to stay present with your body as you flow through a gently strengthening sequence. Poses include Crescent, Side Plank variations, Warriors, Half Moon, Chair, Eagle, Bow, and Happy Baby. This class previously aired on June 6, 2023. Please note: Postnatal yoga is for those who have consulted a doctor or midwife and are cleared for exercise.


Level 1 30 mins

Connect with earth’s energy by emphasizing your feet and activating the pelvic floor (home of the Root Chakra) in this slow-moving Postnatal practice. Find more stability on the mat, increase your presence, and establish a sense of ease transitioning through postures. Poses include Trikonasana (Triangle), Salabhasana (Locust), Ustrasana (Camel), and Baddha Konasana (Butterfly). This class previously aired on May 23, 2023 as a part of Glo’s Mindful May Series. Please note: Postnatal yoga is for those who have consulted a doctor or midwife and are cleared for exercise.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This Postnatal class stretches areas of your body that are typically tight from holding and nursing a newborn (low back and shoulders) while strengthening areas that provide you stability (legs and core). Move through gentle poses to start, then practice powerful poses like Extended Side Angle, Warrior I & II, and Goddess Pose. Feel free to practice with your newborn! You are welcome to skip things if they don’t feel right and take as many breaks as needed. This class previously aired on May 16, 2023. Please note: Postnatal yoga is for those who have consulted a doctor or midwife and are cleared for exercise.


Level 1 30 mins

This Postnatal class is more of a series of exercises than a full flow. It helps to reintegrate your core strength during postpartum recovery. Take time to establish a breathing pattern and actions to move on the mat with ease. Highlights include Bridge Pose, Side Plank, Cat/Cow, Down Dog, Chair Pose, and Child’s Pose. This class previously aired on May 2, 2023. Please note: Postnatal yoga is for those who have consulted a doctor or midwife and are cleared for exercise.


Level 1 15 mins

This lesson gracefully discusses the realities of postpartum to prepare you to overcome possible pitfalls. Learn how to pay close attention to your wellness — hormonal changes, handling stress, pain, postpartum depression, your shifting identity — and how to return to your practice when ready. Please Note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice.


Level 1-2 20 mins

This combination of slow mindful movements and stretching borrows from yoga, Pilates, and Barre to help you connect to your body and reactivate and strengthen your muscles safely. This class is perfect for postnatal mothers and beginners looking to move and stretch their body gently. Begin with Plies to side stretch and Sun Salutations, then glute work with optional ankle weights. Stretch in Butterfly, Pigeon, and Child’s Pose. Props Suggested: 1-3 lb. ankle weights, 2 blocks, 1 bolster or blanket.


Level 2 30 mins

A healing postnatal Pilates fusion flow filled with slow, mindful exercises (and plenty of modifications) that focus on gentle core work to wake up the body and begin to reactivate your muscles. Begin with Cat-Cow and easy Sun Salutations, then a gentle Bridge while squeezing a ball. Move through ab exercises, Table-Top toe taps, and a side-lying glute series followed by a final stretch. Props Suggested: 2-3 lb. hand weights and a Pilates ball. *Note: this healing routine is not to be done until six weeks postpartum.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Carrying and caring for your baby is a physically demanding task. This postnatal sequence is designed to target the neck and shoulder tension common in new mothers. Melt away tightness in lunges with cactus arms, side stretches, and twists, along with gomukhasana and cobra work to open up your chest, shoulders, and back. Wind things down with a simple mantra in savasana, then return to seated for a brief contemplation of your own healing touch. Props Suggested: A strap and a blanket.


Level 2 30 mins

This gentle, yet strengthening postnatal flow will help you reconnect with yourself as you settle into new motherhood. Refill your tank with a sweet, stretchy warmup including hip circles and puppy pose, then follow your breath through a sequence of shoulder and chest openers like Cobra, Shalabhasana, and Dolphin Prep. The last ten minutes feature a lovely wind down that leads into a revitalizing savasana. Props Suggested: A blanket. *Note: please make sure you have consulted your doctor or have had your postnatal checkup and have been cleared for exercise prior to taking this class.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This gentle yet effective, full-body routine is designed to help new moms reconnect with their bodies. Learn to reengage your core and pelvic floor, as you work on getting stronger from head to toe. Start slowly on your back, then move through a variety of exercises that will safely challenge post-baby bodies. Props Suggested: A small towel.

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