- chair,
- blanket,
- bolster
Week 1
Welcome to your program about cultivating mindfulness and loving awareness. This program is a valuable tool that will help you establish a rich and rewarding meditation practice. Your first class is all about learning how to sit and create a space to come back to again and again. Practice pausing, sitting, noticing and understanding your presence within the world around you. Grab a chair, a few blankets or a meditation cushion to use throughout your program. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Learn the keys for directing awareness, gratitude, generosity and the practice of self compassion versus 'othering' your body. This meditation begins with a guided, affectionate body scan before practicing how to cultivate your loving awareness. Your own kind attention to self is your best ally and friend. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Coming back to your breath steers you into the present moment. Learn creative ways to inspire the conversation on cultivating loving kindness and mindfulness within by observing your own breath, and practice steadying your attention through conscious breathing. Take your posture of presence and tune into your natural rhythm. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Week 2
Conscious breath acts are a doorway to wisdom. Learn how to refine attention to your breath with this meditation that encourages you to feel each wave of breath as it rises and falls. No two breaths are exactly alike! Awaken curiosity and discover the wonder of your own breathing. A great time for this practice is in the morning, before mental busyness sets in. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Be introduced to walking as a mindfulness tool. Transform mundane experiences into something powerful by practicing four postures - sitting, standing, lying down and walking - in a new way. Mindful walking, intentional standing and mindful rest are explored, cultivating conscious breathe into presence and insight. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Recognize and acknowledge emotions through the feeling tone of experience. Here, you'll explore the second foundation of mindfulness, your feelings. Learn how you can be mindful of your own emotional climate. Be encouraged to hold your current state of feeling (even if unpleasant) and practice mindfulness to it. This willingness to attune to your experience shifts your perspective and gives you the confidence to face future experiences that may come. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Week 3
Explore the link between emotion and thought, your mind/body link. Learn how to observe your thought process with mindfulness. Practice a meditation that encourages you to notice where your attention goes. Consider the relationship between believing your thoughts versus simply having loving awareness of your thoughts. Find your posture of presence, and let's begin. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
What is the power of intention in your life? Are you showing up in your life aligned with your core values? Meditate on your relationship with your intention, noticing how it informs your experience. The study of intention can be useful in very practical ways, for example, when you communicate with colleagues on a daily basis. Let's practice refining together. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.
Thank you for your dedication to practicing mindfulness. Now is the time to build traction and set a mindful intention with this extended meditation. Allow this program to help you establish, maintain and sustain a consistent practice of mindfulness. Come back often to refresh and re-inspire yourself, remembering to maintain your beginner's mind, as it keeps your awareness open. Enjoy the journey. Props Suggested: A chair, a few blankets, a bolster or a cushion to sit on.

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