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Strength & Stability Vinyasa Flow - Preview

Jason Crandell teacher avatar
Vinyasa Flow with Jason Crandell
Level 2 - 30 mins
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This balanced rigorous flow works on building strength and stability throughout the entire body. Start by connecting to your center with one-legged Down Dog to plank repetitions, forearm plank and locust with glute strengthening. Flow though Crescent Lunge salutations and Surya Namaskar A, then weave in Boat pose, Low Boat, and prepare for arm balances with the seated variations of Crow, Firefly, and Side Crow. After a quick Surya Namaskar B, it's time to take flight. Collect your strength and willpower, taking the arm balances you practiced on your seat off the mat and into the air. Work your body from head to toe one final time in asymmetrical Locust, then finish with backbends and a gentle Supine Eka Pada Koundinyasana. This class was previously recorded on November 13, 2020.









30 minutes