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Low Back Relief - Preview

Tias Little teacher avatar
Hatha with Tias Little
Level 1-2 - 30 mins
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This class focuses on the sacrum and low back. It is designed to help strengthen the sacral area and legs and to feel greater movement and relief in the low back and pelvic region. Props will be used to make the poses more accessible. Props Needed: Two blocks, a bolster, a strap, a blanket and a chair. <span class="legaldisclamer">The information contained on Glo's website is of a general nature and cannot be a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. We urge you to consult with a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any physical activity, regimen, routine, program or exercise that may be presented in these materials. Glo does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine.</span>







2 blocks, bolster, blanket, strap & chair




30 minutes