Hatha yoga flows & sequences

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Foundational yoga for beginners and advanced practitioners.

Hatha yoga is often slower moving than a Vinyasa yoga practice, but it can be challenging, stimulating, or soft, depending on the circumstances. The integration of breath while holding poses for long periods of time with intention and relaxation comprise this branch of practice that encompasses and integrates many forms.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This well-rounded Hatha practice glides into balancing postures, like Tree, Warrior III, and Dancer Pose, while strengthening your body, improving stability, and increasing energy flow. You’ll move through Lunges, the standing balances, Forearm Plank, Boat Pose, and Wild Thing, then wind down in Figure Four, Shoulderstand, Fish Pose, and Savasana. This class previously aired on March 13, 2025.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This comprehensive Hatha practice balances strength-building with flexibility-boosting postures to leave you feeling completely energized. Start by firing up your lower body in High Lunge, Warrior II, Triangle, and Half Moon, then find spaciousness in seated postures, including Forward Folds, Shoulderstand, Plough Pose, and Reclined Twist. This class previously aired on March 9, 2025.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This go-to Hatha practice provides a perfect mix of somatic awareness and inner strengthening. You’ll move steadily in all directions while exploring expansion and contraction, finishing feeling centered. Postures include Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose), L-Handstand, Salabhasana (Locust Pose), and a reclined twist. This class previously aired on March 6, 2025.


Level 1-2 20 mins

Release tension, calm your mind, and create space for deep relaxation. This practice soothes your entire being with a slow, relaxing sequence of Cat/Cow, Upavishtha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Fold), Child’s Pose, Pigeon, Janu Sirsasana (Head-To-Knee Forward Fold), Supported Bridge, Supine Twist, and a chanting practice. This class previously aired on March 4, 2025.


Level 1 20 mins

This energizing class boosts flexibility, strength, *and* mental clarity. Rise and shine in a brisk yet relaxing sequence with Hatha Sun Salutations, Low Lunge, Half Split, Warrior I, Pyramid Pose, Warrior III, Boat Pose, Wide-Legged Forward Fold, and Reclined Twist, finishing feeling rejuvenated for the day ahead. This class previously aired on March 2, 2025.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This Hatha yoga practice guides you through a foundational sequence that builds strength and stability, promotes flexibility, and calms the nervous system while leaving you energized. You'll begin with standing poses, then move to your mat for floor-based poses to finish. Postures include Gate Pose, Pyramid Pose, Revolved Triangle, Warrior III, Seated Forward Fold, Bridge, Reclined Twist, and Savasana. This class previously aired on February 27, 2025.


Level 2 60 mins

Build stability and create spaciousness in this Hatha practice that utilizes a strap for support. You’ll explore simple (but not easy!) spine and pelvic stabilization techniques and a few challenging variations. Start with Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose), then explore balancing postures like Warrior III and Revolved Half Moon before rounding out with Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose). This class previously aired on February 27, 2025.


Level 1-2 20 mins

This grounding practice invites you to give the gift of attention to your body, mind, and heart to help you experience more self-kindness. The balanced, consistently-paced sequence includes Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), Squat, Trikonasana (Triangle), Moon Salutations, and Legs Up The Wall into Supported Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), then you’ll finish in Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose). This class previously aired on February 24, 2025.


Level 2 30 mins

Shake off sleepiness in this energizing Hatha practice that enhances your mobility, strength, and balance to start the day feeling powerful. Move briskly through Warrior I, Revolved Lunge, Half Split, Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose, and Side Lunge, then finish with a relaxing sequence of seated postures, including Forward Fold, Happy Baby, and Reclined Twist. This class previously aired on February 20, 2025.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This Hatha practice explores your relationship with gravity to feel the power of rooting down. You’ll fine-tune your body's positioning and find steadiness moving through a strong sequence with Down Dog, Plank, Side Plank, Half Moon, Boat Pose, and Bridge, creating length and vigor along the way. This class previously aired on February 20, 2025. Please note: This class duration is 52 minutes, coming in 7 minutes longer than the labeled time.


Level 2 45 mins

This dynamic Hatha practice is designed to strengthen your core and outer hips while refining your skills in a range of balancing postures — all essential elements for supporting your longevity. Postures include Plank variations, Low Boat Pose, Side Plank variations, Down Dog, Warrior III variations, Half Moon variations, and Standing Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose. This class previously aired on February 19, 2025.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Awaken your entire body in this mild, stretchy Hatha practice that gently kickstarts your morning. The easeful sequence embraces simple postures with opening variations, including Low Lunge with a quad stretch, Lizard, Pyramid, Warrior II with Eagle Arms, Side Angle, Reverse Warrior, Wide-Legged Forward Fold, and Supported Fish Pose. This class previously aired on February 18, 2025.

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