The creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, Annie is an international Yoga teacher based in Northern California. Known as a "teacher's teacher" she has created a well-respected system of Yoga practice and Teaching methodology. Annie's playful personality and focused intelligence bring depth, clarity and exuberance to her classes. A committed student, Annie continues to bring her passion and curiosity, love of anatomy, evolutionary movement, meditation and classical philosophy into her teachings.Annie is the author of SmartFLOW Yoga, a complete set of practice DVDs produced by Udaya, and Yoga for Total Back Care, a DVD produced by Yoga Journal, and several SmartFLOW manuals. She contributes regularly to Yoga Journal. An influential Teacher Trainer since 2003, Annie leads 200/500 trainings and workshops globally. SmartFLOW Yoga is a modern approach with an anatomically sound foundation and inspired, creative sequencing, which is rooted in deep respect for the lineages of Integral, Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga. Annie is committed to mindfulness, which inevitably leads to spiritual development and light-heartedness. SmartFLOW Yoga guides you to know your true Self. With the knowledge of the true Self comes compassion, peace and appreciation for all life.
This go-to Hatha practice provides a perfect mix of somatic awareness and inner strengthening. You’ll move steadily in all directions while exploring expansion and contraction, finishing feeling centered. Postures include Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose), L-Handstand, Salabhasana (Locust Pose), and a reclined twist. This class previously aired on March 6, 2025.
Build stability and create spaciousness in this Hatha practice that utilizes a strap for support. You’ll explore simple (but not easy!) spine and pelvic stabilization techniques and a few challenging variations. Start with Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose), then explore balancing postures like Warrior III and Revolved Half Moon before rounding out with Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose). This class previously aired on February 27, 2025.
This Hatha practice explores your relationship with gravity to feel the power of rooting down. You’ll fine-tune your body's positioning and find steadiness moving through a strong sequence with Down Dog, Plank, Side Plank, Half Moon, Boat Pose, and Bridge, creating length and vigor along the way. This class previously aired on February 20, 2025. Please note: This class duration is 52 minutes, coming in 7 minutes longer than the labeled time.