Week 1
Let go of the idea that you need to be in a certain place physically or mentally to begin your practice. Yoga meets you where you are, as you are. This first session is about reconnecting with your body and remembering how to breathe. Begin with sun salutations to break through the cloud cover, then awaken your energy with traditional standing postures. Establish a new routine, let your inner light shine, and start down the path that was meant for you.
Your teachers and gurus provide guidance and tools to help you on our path, however the ultimate guru is inside of you. This session is about unlocking pent up energy, raising it up, and allowing your inner wisdom to guide the way. Find your own sense of direction by flowing through a strong series of standing poses that will open the hips, hamstrings, and heart. You'll shake out the cobwebs, brighten the mind, and leave feeling energized, yet grounded.
Often times after you've been practicing for a while, old challenges and temptations creep back in. This session is about developing your core strength, that powerful resolve that helps you face challenges with courage. Find determination in poses that work your core and upper body, while focusing on the breath. You'll fire up your abdominals, harness your inner power, and prove that you are stronger than you think you are!
Week 2
There will always be obstacles in your path, but with great love anything is possible. This session is focused on opening the heart and letting go of what's holding you back from realizing your potential. Flow through a series of backbending postures, including camel pose and full wheel, before winding down with hip openers and twists. Dedicate yourself to this ritual you have been creating and walk away feeling inspired to live your purpose.
In practice and in life, it's important that you balance effort with ease. This session is about calling in strength and focus through balancing postures, while allowing room for some fun. Warm up with sun salutations, steady yourself in tree, then take flight into warrior III before ending with a seated meditation. By opening yourself up to the joy of the process, you'll create space for magic to happen, allowing your path to unfold before you.
If you can start to recognize that love is the power underlying everything, you can meet the twists and turns of life with more serenity. This final session is focused on integration, meditation, and relaxation. Weave together sun salutations, warrior poses, and half moon, then release with heart and hip openers before tuning in with a seated meditation. See how love is present in every part of your life, let go of your old, limited stories, and embrace the path that leads to peace, gratitude, grace, and love.

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