The Complete Cross Trainer

Tiffany Cruikshank teacher avatar
Level 2 - 20-45 min
Maximize your athletic performance with this program that will help you train more effectively. Each week includes a challenging Vinyasa Flow to maintain strength and stamina on an off day, and two Yin sequences to help you recover after your workouts. Utilizing functional core movements and pranayama, these potent practices will help restore range of motion in your body. Repeat throughout your training to optimize your recovery periods and reach your full potential in your sport.
  • block,
  • strap
Maximize your athletic performance with this program that will help you train more effectively. Each week includes a challenging Vinyasa Flow to maintain strength and stamina on an off day, and two Yin sequences to help you recover after your workouts. Utilizing functional core movements and pranayama, these potent practices will help restore range of motion in your body. Repeat throughout your training to optimize your recovery periods and reach your full potential in your sport.
  • block,
  • strap
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Week 1


Level 2 45 mins

Calling all athletes! Prime your body on your off day of training (or use for an active recovery), so you can stay mobile and strong. This dynamic vinyasa practice will create heat, strength and space in your body, weaving together the concepts of mobility and flexibility. A hip-focused cool down rounds out the class, easing your body and mind into whatever athletic endeavors lie ahead. Props Suggested: A block.


Level 2 20 mins

Create more space in places that are commonly tight from your athletic practice by dropping into long holds and guided stillness. Using deep breaths, you'll reset your nervous system and bring suppleness into your body's tissues. Release the need for force as you rest in shapes that gently open your hips, low back and hamstrings. Conclude with a variation of savasana that brings awareness to the fullness of your breath. Props Suggested: A strap


Level 2 20 mins

Unwind tired muscles after training and allow your body to be still. Begin this slow recovery sequence with some basic hip and hamstring opening before heading into deeper variations and longer holds. Bring more awareness to your body and breath as you release, rather than push, into these postures. Explore a gentle supta virasana (reclining hero) variation and a psoas opening stretch before melting into savasana. Props Suggested: A block

Week 2


Level 2 45 mins

Stay active on your off day, or take an active recovery, with this energetic and revitalizing flow. Begin by firing up your core with yoga-inspired functional movements, then move through a sequence designed to simultaneously create suppleness and strength. By asking your body to move in dynamic ways, you'll increase agility and symmetry throughout your upper and lower body, allowing for greater ease during your training.


Level 2 20 mins

Holding poses for a few minutes allows your tissues time to respond. Use this time to give back to your body, which has been working hard to get faster, stronger and more skilled. You'll explore balancing and toning poses, such as janu sirsasana (head-to-knee) and supine twists, releasing fatigued muscles and helping you feel your best, both post-workout and on your days off from training.


Level 2 20 mins

Slow down and practice stillness after your workout with deep but accessible poses focusing on your lower body. Starting from the feet and moving into hamstring, hip and psoas stretches, you'll progressively unwind the muscles you worked during your athletic activities, letting go of any tension and resistance. By allowing your muscles to open slowly, you'll increase suppleness throughout your whole form, accelerating your recovery time and enabling you to train more effectively.

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