- 2 bolsters,
- 2 blocks,
- 2 blankets,
- strap,
- wall space
Week 1
Put your to-do list on ice, because it's time to chill out. This class will help you gently move and stretch your hips and hamstrings with lunge twists and supported lizard. You'll take it to the wall to put your feet up for a bit, then relax into a propped up savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks, a bolster, a strap, two blankets and wall space. Props Suggested: A towel or something to cover your eyes.
Let's shake out every last drop of tension! Allow circular cat/cows to loosen you up from head to toe, huff it out with sweeping chair motions, then glide through various warrior flows all the way to pigeon and supported child's pose. By the end of this class, you'll be so comfy, you'll want to skip happy hour and head straight for sleepy time. Props Needed: Two bolsters, two blocks, and a blanket.
Week 2
This class will loosen you up in all the tight places. Melt into chest openers like anahatasana and humble warrior, find strength and stability in standing poses like revolved chair and goddess, then come down to your mat to open up the sides of your waist. Prop yourself up for your comfiest savasana, and infuse your body with relaxation. Props Needed: Two bolsters, a strap and a blanket. Props Suggested: A block and something to cover your eyes.
Enjoy an exquisitely juicy sequence that's all about the hips! We'll warm the body with velvety flowing lunges and forward folds, let it open up with shiva reach and lizard pose, then relax into supported baddha konasana and legs up the wall. Your final class ends with the most decadent, full-bodied savasana, so prepare to indulge! Props Needed: A strap, a bolster, a blanket, two blocks and wall space. Props Suggested: Something to cover your eyes.

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