The beauty of a morning practice is it is very conducive to meditation and deep inner listening. This is a spacious flow with emphasis on breath, quietude, and quality of attention. Sun salutations (surya namaskar A) and a playful variation on B series with tree (vrksasana) eagle (garudasana) & pyramid (parsvottanasana) crescent flow. Leg energizing sequence with temple, warrior 2 (virabhadrasana) triangle (utthita trikonasana) and extended side angle pose (utthita parsvakonasana). Opportunity for bunny hop handstand (balance and energy permitting!!!). Chair twist (parsva utkatasana) and backbends to finish. There is a mini savasana at the end, so if you require a long savasana please make extra time for that on your own. BLESSINGS! Have a blessed day <3