Week 1
Discover a powerful technique called Breath of Fire, that will activate and stabilize your energy. You'll practice this breath for eight minutes, varying the position of your arms a few times throughout. Sit quietly for the remainder of class, visualizing a white light radiating from the center of your heart, creating a protective circle of light around you. Props Suggested: A blanket or bolster.
Awaken energy at your navel point, then lift it upwards so it can fuel your creativity and intuition. With your hands in Anjali Mudra (prayer), chant the mantra Hume Hum Brahm Hum as you pulse your belly. Visualize the connection between your navel and heart, then relax into a calm and expansive inner space. Props Suggested: A blanket or bolster.
Develop an authentic relationship with your inner voice, so you can act from a place of inspiration and creativity. Practice a breath technique using the mantra Wahe Guru, placing a slight hold at the top and bottom of every breath. This heart-opening practice will transform your energy, and leave you with a feeling of pure joy. Props Suggested: A blanket or bolster.
Week 2
Transcend reactive behaviors with a breath technique consisting of sixteen little strokes on the inhale and a long exhale. You'll then sing the mantra Sat Nam, as you visualize the sound moving up your spine. Conclude by sitting quietly and observing the energetic shift that you’ve created through breath and sound. Props Suggested: A blanket or bolster.
Practice mantra and mudra in unison in order to balance the hemispheres of the brain and invoke a sense of peace. With your arms crossed in front of your chest, move your thumbs over your fingers as you say the mantra Sa Ta Na Ma. You'll open yourself up to a state of grace and an enhanced perception of life. Props Suggested: A blanket or bolster.
Engage all of your senses through mudra, visualization and silent mantra in order to calm your mind and center your awareness. Place your hands in Amarti Mudra, and visualize a beam of light radiating from your forehead. Listen for the mantra Ong Kar at your heart center, maintaining a simultaneous awareness of each element of the practice. This final class is a powerful tool for creating clarity, calm and connection with self. Props Suggested: A blanket or bolster.

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