Take Online Classes with Jodi Blumstein

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Become a Glo member today. With thousands of classes for every interest, experience level and schedule, all taught by world-class teachers, we make it easy to integrate yoga and meditation into your daily life.


Jodi Blumstein has been practicing Ashtanga yoga since 1994, and has a profound connection to the practice. After studying under the world's premiere instructors (including Sri K. Pattabhi Jois), she founded Priya Yoga, Chicago's first Ashtanga/vinyasa yoga school, and served as their director for eight years.

Jodi holds a space for students that is solid and reverent, while maintaining a level of levity, play, and humor. She is a teacher's teacher, and yet each student feels her precise attention, especially as they are at pivotal points in their practice. She encourages students to explore their edges both on and off the mat, and facilitates transformation in both arenas.

Jodi lives in Los Angeles, where she has been running the Mysore program for YogaWorks at the Center for Yoga since 2004. She also hosts exclusive Ashtanga retreats at her home, led by some of the worlds premier Ashtanga teachers.

Connect with Jodi at www.jodiblumstein.com or on Facebook at Jodi Blumstein Yoga.

Recent classes


Level 2 90 mins

So you have an injury and you miss your strong practice? This is an Ashtanga practice designed specifically to deal with shoulder injuries. Practice the Primary series, with some modifications including taking out the Chaturangas. The vinyasas done in this class are designed to strengthen and stabilize the shoulder while eliminating any irritation. This is an important class for anyone working with injuries. Props Needed: a strap and a block.


Level 1 30 mins

Ashtanga yoga practitioners work hard and practice six days a week, except for the new and full moon days. It is highly recommended that you take off at least the first two days of your menstrual cycle. This traditional class for women has been shortened and will leave you feeling more open and invigorated. Props Needed: 3 blankets or a bolster, 4 blocks, and a strap.


Level 2-3 60 mins

This 60-minute practice combines the last sequence of the primary series and the beginning of the 2nd series... So that you are really ready for deep backbending. This is a great sequence if you are already working on second and you are a little short on time - or you just want to explore!

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