Series of poses combined with deep, controlled breathing.
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is a system of postures linked together by breath and movement. This is an ancient and powerful discipline for cultivating physical, mental, and spiritual health. Progressive techniques of breath, posture, and movement help to cleanse, stretch, and strengthen the body as well as focus and calm the mind. A deeper experience of the self becomes possible through consistent practice. The Ashtanga yoga practices offered here on Glo will guide you through the traditional Ashtanga series with occasional variations to help you grow your practice.
So you have an injury and you miss your strong practice? This is an Ashtanga practice designed specifically to deal with shoulder injuries. Practice the Primary series, with some modifications including taking out the Chaturangas. The vinyasas done in this class are designed to strengthen and stabilize the shoulder while eliminating any irritation. This is an important class for anyone working with injuries. Props Needed: a strap and a block.
This class will move BRISKLY through the first half of the primary series - right up until Navasana. Then we will take the time to thoroughly break down the 2nd half of the series, looking closely at ways to modify and move carefully through the most challenging part of the sequence.
This 60-minute practice combines the last sequence of the primary series and the beginning of the 2nd series... So that you are really ready for deep backbending. This is a great sequence if you are already working on second and you are a little short on time - or you just want to explore!
Building on the sun salutations we learned in our first class, let's ease into downward facing dog. Next, we'll practice standing poses like triangle and extended side angle before coming down to the mat for bridge pose and savasana. Props Suggested: A block.
Let's begin with the basics of Ashtanga Yoga: breath, gaze, movement, and observation. We'll build Surya Namasakars (Sun Salutations) from the ground up, then lie on our backs for a moment of observation and connection to our breath, all leading into a nice Savasana.
Access deeper backbends through opening your hip flexors and shoulders with this dynamic sequence. Flowing salutations will explore anjaneyasana and its many variations, then approach backbends from the perspective of strength and stability. Learn a unique way of preparing for backbending before practicing dhanurasana, concluding with an optional inversion. Walk away feeling more invigorated and energized. Props Needed: A strap.
This quick, strong practice will get you warmed up and into your shoulders quickly. Focus on dynamic ways to wake up your shoulders with stabilizing movements that help increase shoulder strength and awareness. A few sun salutations create some heat, followed by preparation and practice of pincha mayurasana using the wall. Cool down with shoulder stretches before a final rest in savasana. Props Needed: Wall space.
Take an advanced practice and break it down in a safe, informative and nourishing way. Learn the essence of nadi shodhana, the nerve cleansing sequence, in an effective practice that will have you buzzing all day. Begin with basic salutations and standing poses, then explore accessible backbends, twists and strength poses. Props Suggested: A strap.
The third series of Ashtanga yoga is very serious business! Intense hip openers, a long and vigorous sequence of arm balances and deep backbends. Luckily, it can be brought back to basics so that all students can enjoy the benefits of this challenging sequence. Begin with sun salutations to build heat, then flow into deep hip work, arm balancing to develop strength and fun backbends. Props Needed: A strap.
Feel the energetic sensation of waking up your nervous system with a sequence that plays with the electricity of the second series. Learn a modified version of nadi shodona, which will leave your body energized! Begin with traditional sun salutations and standing poses to prepare you for different approaches to backbends using the wall. Explore deep shoulder stretches, arm balances and hip openers before cooling down. Props Needed: Two blankets, a block, a strap and wall space.
Review the postures and concepts you learned in your first class, by repeating the practice. Repetition is the key to mastery in Ashtanga, so you'll continue to practice this segment for the rest of the week.
Welcome to the first class of your program! Today you'll learn fundamental concepts and practices such as prana, apana, bandhas and ujjayi pranayama, then begin building surya namaskar A and B and a sequence of standing poses. This class will thoroughly break down each posture to prepare you for the rigorous flow sequences to come. Each practice in this program will be followed with finishing poses, beginning today with detailed padmasana instruction and advanced variations.