Week 1
Take a moment of gratitude for finding the courage to come to this practice. In this first class you'll begin to collect impressions of your capable body, quiet mind and trusting heart. You'll explore the foundational flow used in this program, completing a standing sequence of hip-openers before coming down to the mat for pigeon and moving bridge. Class will conclude with savasana and a seated affirmation to allow you time to become acquainted with your internal space.
Orient yourself to your new priorities and your new life with a steady, grounding flow of accessible postures. You'll begin with cat/cow, open into lateral poses like triangle and lunge twists, then release your hips with pigeon variations and half happy baby. Discover new ways of relating to yourself as you explore these practices, and celebrate the dawning of a fresh perspective.
Now that you're feeling more comfortable, it's time to start taking a few risks. This class will introduce more twists and backbends, while still remaining steady and stable. You'll learn to use your breath to shape the postures, while expressing gratitude to your body with every movement.
Week 2
Your past is sacred - all of it has brought you here. Build heat and encourage introspection with a flow featuring lunges, warriors and forward bends, then finish with moving bridge and reclining hand-to-big-toe. Remember to appreciate yourself during this practice, accepting and embracing every aspect of your being.
Learn to clarify your vision and solidify your stance through poses that allow you to feel your foundation. You'll open your heart, hamstrings and side body with a sequence of twists, deep stretches and floor work. This practice will send energy into your heart space, while helping to steady and maintain your focus.
Find inner strength and balance, so you can redesign your relationship to yourself and the world. You'll strengthen your arms and core with side plank variations, locust and bow, then come down to the mat for pigeon, bridge and supine twists. Articulate your practice with effort and grace, and enjoy the newfound space in your body.
Week 3
Honor where you've been and where you're going with a practice that explores your front and back body. You'll open your wrists, waist and chest with side angle variations, then wind down with twists and a brief meditation. This practice will introduce more challenging poses in order to reinforce your inner strength and connect you with your own potential.
Move through fear and doubt with a well-paced flow designed to inspire confidence. Quiet any apprehensions through a series of basic twists that will soften your attitude and calm your mind. You'll find your courage with half moon, triangle, locust and bow, then let go in savasana and a seated meditation.
Reframe your relationship to your body and mind by consciously expanding your interior spaces. Challenge yourself with standing balance poses like warrior III and revolved half moon, then release tension with more twists and flow. See how you naturally move from a place of reaction to one of response when you create more space in your body and your thinking.
Week 4
Wake up your body and mind with a twisted take on traditional poses. This class will explore circular motions in an upbeat, continuous flow. You'll soften your edges with cross-legged down dog, forward folds and lunges, as you learn to cultivate more adaptability in your life.
Anchor yourself with your breath throughout a steady, nourishing flow. You'll open your body in gate pose and camel, facilitate inner work by activating your core, then release into a soothing savasana. Feel your mind ease and your mood soften as you invite pranic energy into your body.
Believe that you are a light to someone else. This empowering flow will use standing balance poses to shift your perception of what's possible. Remain serene as you experiment with crescent side stretch, levitating sage and tree pose. Have patience with yourself if you stumble, and trust that you are on this path so you can learn how to help.
Week 5
This luscious, expansive practice will open all sides of your body. Flow through a fluid sequence of cross-referenced sun salutations, twists and hamstring openers, then come down to the mat for savasana. Once you understand the vastness of your interior, you can create more space for healing and begin to realize your most stunning imaginings.
Observe how your heart and your hands are inextricably linked with a gentle backbending practice. You'll sense this connection as you explore poses like revolved half moon and tiger, extending equal energy from both points. This practice will ensure that you remain open and receptive to the guidance that you need on your path.
Use slow, grounded movement to uncover the softness in your strength. Practice listening to your breath and containing the energy within your body in a focused, yet spacious way. You'll create both stability and restfulness as you move through a sequence including half moon, runners stretch and seated forward bend.
Week 6
Weave together diligence and compassion as you practice steadying your foundation in postures that cross your midline. You'll find your center in side plank, locust and bow, then come down to the mat for some gentle stretching.
Open your heart and offer your gratitude with an uplifting, joyous flow. Encourage expansion in your hips with fallen triangle, crazy pigeon and half happy baby. Your practice will help you offer the best of yourself, one day and one moment at a time.
Amplify your well-being with your practice, and become a source of light for others. Come home to yourself through a challenging flow of standing poses that leads to standing splits and forward bends. This final class will help you create an enduring light that emanates from your heart to the rest of the world.

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