Mother, mentor, poet, artist, volunteer, bestselling author, and host of the Practice You Podcast, Elena Brower graduated from Cornell University in 1992 and designed textiles and apparel for almost a decade before shifting her focus to yoga, meditation, writing, and art. Teaching asana since 1999, studying and practicing Zen meditation since 2020, she received the Buddhist Precepts from Roshi Joan Halifax at Upaya Zen Center in 2023. Now a candidate for Buddhist Chaplaincy, Elena offers her time in hospice and penitentiary settings as well as facilitating grief counseling for children.
Her books, Art of Attention, Practice You, Being You, and Softening Time walk us through stages of practice, life, and listening. Elena's Perceptive Parenting audio course is a key resource for parents; her signature course, Simplify, serves hundreds in reimagining priorities in order to experience more fulfillment and meaning every day. Her spoken word poetry can be heard on Above & Beyond's Flow State albums, for which she's received an RIAA-certified Gold Record for her writing on "Don't Leave." Elena works to elevate bright futures for girls, women, and children through her support for Girls on Fire Leaders, On The Inside, and Free Food Kitchen.
This brisk, higher-level sequence supports healthy aging and longevity by building strength, flexibility, confidence, and self-trust while inspiring you to embrace your body as it evolves. You’ll get right to it, starting in Chair variations, then glide through an Anjaneyasana progression, lots of Sun Salutations, plenty of backbends, Mountain Climbers, Side Plank Crunches, and arm balances before finishing with breathwork and meditation. This class previously aired on March 10, 2025.
This Vinyasa practice ignites confidence from within to develop competence for leadership, whether in family, work, study, or action. You’ll start with Sun Salutations, then move through a slightly sweaty and demanding sequence with deep twists and full-body strengtheners. Highlights include One-Handed Down Dog, Chair to Warriors, Bow Pose (and more backbends), Squat, fun Push Ups, and ab work. This class previously aired on March 8, 2025.
Prepare for a restful night’s sleep in this prop-supported practice. You’ll begin with lightly active postures leading into mindful breathwork, allowing your thoughts to roam and clear while settling your body. Postures include Supported Down Dog, Cat/Cow, Supported Pigeon, Supported Forward Fold, and Legs Up The Wall. This class previously aired on March 3, 2025.