Yoga, meditation, Pilates and fitness styles & traditions to complement your practice.

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Audio-guided walks for mindful movement, fitness, and connecting with nature

Walking classes are designed to accompany one of the safest and most accessible forms of movement. Whether you have a routine of getting steps in or you’re looking to start, these audio-only practices invite intention into your stride. With a guided walk, you can soak up the benefits of nature, from sunlight exposure to fresh air, plus find a sense of joy and take a break from your day. Accessible for all levels, explore a range of contemplative slow walks, mid-tempo breath-focused walks, and quick-paced practices for cardiovascular health. A guided walk is an excellent time for morning reflections, midday stress relief, and pairing with another workout. And when you’re too busy to change clothes and get on the mat, these practices are a great alternative. Download classes for offline access, and please stay mindful of your safety and surroundings.


Level 1 15 mins

Deepen your connection to self and the world around you in this guided walk that helps you navigate your day with a sense of purpose. Enjoy a brisk yet relaxing pace that encourages conscious breathing, intentional living, and increased presence with every step.


Level 1 10 mins

This brisk guided walk enhances your connection to self and the world around you to cultivate an energized yet calm feeling. Enjoy this time for reflection, increasing your awareness as you observe your senses, your surroundings, and your physical body.


Level 1 10 mins

Quiet your mind, connect with your breath, and cultivate clarity for your day in this guided walk. Put on your shoes, grab your headphones, and go on a quick walk with Gustavo for a fresh mindset.


Level 1 20 mins

Release stress in this guided walking practice by tuning into the sensations of your body and the world around you. As you walk, ground yourself in the present moment and enjoy a few calming breath techniques to finish feeling centered and refreshed.


Level 1 20 mins

This guided walk adds mindfulness to your stride to increase your physical awareness and engage your senses. You’ll clear away stagnant energy, ground yourself in the present moment, and cultivate a sense of contentment that can carry you through the day.


Level 1 15 mins

This guided walk uses your breath and five senses to notice, observe, and see what the present moment has to offer. It’s great for any time you need to take a break from the day and refresh with a walk in nature.


Level 1 10 mins

Take a break from your day to soak up the benefits of being outdoors and connecting with yourself. This walking meditation invites you to let go of any difficulty, collect your attention, and soften your heart. You'll release tension with each breath in and each breath out.


Level 1 10 mins

Simple, sweet, and doable, this guided walk is great as a standalone practice or to pair with another class. You’ll infuse your stride with purpose and increase awareness of the beauty around you. Enjoy a self-paced walk while observing your surroundings, breathing consciously, and cultivating gratitude that radiates through the rest of your day.


Level 1 10 mins

This walking practice guides you to connect with your body, your breath, and the earth beneath your feet to help you feel more grounded. Enjoy the benefits of being in nature while increasing your presence and embracing mindful movement.


Level 1 20 mins

Bring mindfulness into your steps with this guided walk focused on meditation and self-reflection. Enjoy an audio-only class that offers a break from your day to clear your mind, feel less overwhelmed, and soak up the benefits of being outdoors while connecting with yourself.


Level 1 15 mins

This guided walk brings a little lightness and gratitude to your steps. Enjoy a slow, steady pace as you walk with awareness, curiosity, and wonder. It’s a great class for any time of day or to pair with another workout to increase your mindfulness.


Level 1 20 mins

This slow, relaxing guided walk caters to your experience as you journey through pregnancy. With each step, you’ll focus on your breath, body, and baby as you build resilience, access your strength, and tap into your intuition. Please Note: A prenatal practice is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice.

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