Week 1
This practice is all about backbends! Navigate through surya namaskar C variations with inversions like pincha mayurasana (forearm balance). Weave in backbends like salabhasana (locust), danurasana (bow), ustrasana (camel), setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge) and urdhva danurasana (upward bow). Discover eka pada rajakapotasana 1 (king pigeon) with a strap as your peak pose. Counter all of this heart opening with a few forward folds and twists. Props Needed: Two blocks and a strap.
We've got your back...of the legs! Release the body's habitual tightness in the backs of the legs through this deep yin practice. Whether you spend your days standing, sitting, walking, or running, the backs of the legs (calves and hamstrings) become habitually tight. You will feel greater overall freedom when you are supple in the back of the legs. The advanced nature of this practice is found in the depth and subtle awareness cultivated in many of the poses. Props Suggested: A block or a blanket.
A flow helping you to 'flip the grip' for full shoulder revolved backbends such as king dancer and one footed king pigeon. Open your heart with a block to start, then a few side bending poses to further open your torso. After wild thing and a shoulder stretch, use the strap to assist with big back bends. Finish with a twist and a brief savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks and a strap.
Week 2
In everyday practice, you flex and stretch your muscles, but can overlook the potential to do the same with your mind. Work on your mind's flexibility as you activate your whole body with this flow that brings extra attention to your drishti. Jump right into asanas and practice body awareness by activating your muscles in new ways with strength based movements. Experience a class inspired by challenging your mind by way of your body.
This practice focuses on using the leverage of the hip-flexors and abdominals to fold you body more deeply into forward bends. With a soothing start that stretches your hamstrings and hips, this practice proceeds to awaken your abdominals, hip-flexors, and quads. It continues with salutations and standing forward bends and concludes with seated forward bends. Expect to open your hamstrings and learn the hinging action of your front body.
Dive into your hips, hamstrings and shoulders in order to explore four different variations of compass pose. Play with a mandala style flow that will have you facing North, South, East and West to prime your body for stretching in all four different variations of compass pose including standing splits into standing compass, reclined compass and kneeling in compass. Fun transitions are included in your flow after you warm up with traditional sun salutations. Props Needed: A block and a strap.
Week 3
In times of change we sometimes aren't sure which way to turn. In this twists class, remember to consistently turn toward your intention. There is space for you there. And if you are still unsure, you can be still and wait for the insight. A playful sequence with some pretty deep twists, get right into it. Enjoy!
Build heat in your chest and shoulders, gain mobility in your hip flexors and develop power in your legs to give you the foundation to flip your inversions over and back again. Also known as the 'tick - tock', flip back and forth in urdhva dhanurasana (wheel pose) and headstand in an advanced front body opening practice. Props Needed: Wall space and two blocks.

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