- 2 blocks,
- bolster
Week 1
Welcome to your first class of your second trimester program. This sequence is all about gentle movements that you can practice throughout your second trimester. Take these concepts and modifications into your favorite classes online or in your community. Embrace this new found energy as this journey continues! Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a bolster
Welcome back! Many mamas enjoy a bit more energy in their second trimester. This class uses that energy to build strength and stability in your legs and hips. After warming up with modified sun salutations, let the strengthening begin with chair pose play, low lunges and warrior I. Learn modifications appropriate throughout your pregnancy journey. Cool down with janu sirsasana to open your low back and hamstrings before resting in savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket, a strap and a bolster
Week 2
Open your front body and let all the love in! Using a gentle paced flow to warm up your body, move through sun salute A's. Revisit a few poses like side stretches and cat cow from the first few classes of this program. Open up to all the love with a dancing camel sequence before cooling down in familiar baddha konasana and a very brief seated twist. Supported supta baddha konasana awaits for your savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a bolster
Reintroduce the concept of vinyasa flow in this class. Warm up your hips and low back with seated pelvic circles before the flow begins. Work modifications throughout as you practice surya A's and B's. Feel some heat build, take breaks when you need to, and start to cool down with supported child's pose and hip openers. Let it all settle in your final pose, supported supta baddha konasana. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a bolster
Week 3
Similar to the first classes in this program, warm up your body in a familiar way with cat cows. Up next, begin to prep your whole body for vashistasana balancing, strengthening in a gentle and supported way. Half sun salutations build heat, remember to breathe! Flow into your peak pose, an optional ardha chandrasana on your block. Find a supported pigeon pose for your cool down hip opener, with a delicious supported supta baddha konasana to conclude. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a bolster
Use this final class of your program to nourish and embrace the journey that you are on. Throughout, there can be a lot of attention on your growing belly and perhaps increased demand from family and friends. Relax and breath so you can let it all go. Poses are held a bit longer than in your last few classes, so you can really get into juicy releases in your shoulders and hips. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a bolster

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