It’s hard to believe, but autumn is already arriving. During each seasonal transition, it’s important to recognize that we’ll need to support our bodies in new ways. The classes in this fall-focused collection will help ground and steady you through the season of the air element while helping to build your immune system.
Created by Glo
• 291 mins
This class is focused on ridding the body of toxins and impurities via deep twists, a good amount of folds and a nice dose of inversions through handstands. We venture through postures like twisted lunge (knee up and down), twisted half moon pose, twisted triangle and ardha matsyendrasana. For folds we incorporate seated fold, standing fold, seated wide legged fold and standing wide legged fold. We finish with a supine sequence from the floor. Enjoy, my fellow yogis, and stay healthy this fall/winter!
In the fall, as the winds blow, it can make you feel restless and ungrounded. It feels good to hunker down and connect to the earth. With an emphasis on forward bends, low lunges and a couple of inversions, this steady practice is a perfect way to ground yourself. Finish with twists, deep hip openers and a brief savasana. You'll walk away feeling centered, focused and ready for the season ahead. Props Needed: Two blocks.
Fall is the season of the vata dosha, which is dry, light, dynamic, and cold. This class is all about creating balance by bringing in warmth, earth energy, and routine. Leap right in with a steady rhythm of deep, timed holds, building a little heat while still grounding all that windy movement. Slow things down toward the end by moving to the wall for two-minute holds in down dog and wide-legged forward fold with a block supporting your head, and a final two minutes in child's pose. Props Needed: A block and wall space.
The energy of fall is one of transformation. Vata, the element of air in yoga teachings, is associated with your intestines and lungs. Practice a sequence of standing poses, twists to encourage detoxification, backbends to help stimulate your lungs and alternate nostril breathing to facilitate balance for vata. Allow this class to bring your body in line with the season of change. Props Needed: A blanket.
According to Ayurveda, Fall brings about the dry and windy elements of your body. Grounding poses, coupled with movements that can also support your lungs and ears, help ease the seasonal transition. Focus on slowly and steadily warming your body with standing poses and joint rotations, then ease onto the ground for stability and strengthening. Practice this gentle flow to help support both your mind and body throughout the season. Props Needed: A strap.
This is the time of the year when you celebrate abundance and all the good things you have in life as well as the skill of letting go. Take a ride through a creative vinyasa flow sequence that is sprinkled with poses that target your hips and shoulders and get ready to embrace the fall season through forward bends. Take stock of summer and learn to surrender into the cooler, darker months through your practice. Props Suggested: A block and a blanket.
As the Fall season enters, embrace the change in nature, your life, and your body. Twists like revolved half moon and revolved triangle will be used thoughout the class to create heat. Be open to modification in each pose according to where your body is at right now. Props Suggested: A block.
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