We experience burnout when we’re overworked, overtired, and overstressed. If we push ourselves to the breaking point, it can take some serious TLC to get back to feeling good. However, if we infuse small moments of rest and revitalization throughout our day, we can reverse the effects of exhaustion before our burnout becomes full-blown. This collection of fatigue fighters will help you top off your tank each day so you never find yourself running on empty.
Created by Glo
• 229 mins
Tired? Tired of being tired? This practice will honor your fatigue while working to transcend it. You'll begin with soothing, head-supported forward bends in order to nurture your body. Then, you'll work to stimulate greater energy with accessible backbends before concluding in handstand (options given for students that aren't inverting).
Energize yourself with these three poses designed to kickstart your energy and give you a little more internal fuel for the day. Good late afternoon boost if you are working late!
Treat yourself to this luxurious restorative practice, which offers a complete reset for body, mind, and heart. Settle into restful, supported versions of familiar poses, beginning with a wide-legged forward fold, and gradually moving through bound angle, downward dog, and bridge, before a long, cozy, wrapped savasana. This class features a number of props, but you can modify with what you have around you. Props Needed: 2 blocks, 1-2 bolsters, 6-8 blankets
Ready to scream if someone says "downward dog" one more time? Let's shake it up! This fun beginners' sequence will have you feeling blissed from the start. Gain a new perspective with light-hearted poses that aren't so commonly practiced. Bring some playfulness back into your practice and walk away refreshed, invigorated, and perhaps even laughing!
If your energy is low or you're feeling drained, this blend of acupressure and myofascial release can help you reset. Get comfortable and let the therapy balls take care of the work, targeting key points along the spine to restore a sense of balance and well-being. Props Needed: Two therapy balls and a block.
If you've had a long, stressful day, this quick but thorough body scan will help you feel rested and recharged. Perfect after a workday or to reset between engagements, this meditation, practiced lying down, will help you emerge with a renewed spirit and clear mind.
Recharge from the strain of being pulled in so many directions in everyday life. This practice provides a necessary return to wholeness, a state of inner calm and well-being. Start off with shorter holds then build up to longer visits in poses that encourage familiarity, simplicity and depth. Gently move through a props-supported sequence that includes dragonfly, half saddle and seated forward bend. Conclude class feeling a deep sense of completion and satisfaction. Props Needed: Two blankets. Props Suggested: A bolster or an additional blanket.
Take 15 minutes out of your day to restore, move thoughtfully, and support yourself. Mantras like "I am honest and vulnerable" will be attached to long, opening postures creating a calm and refreshed mindset. Begin in supported versions of downward facing dog, a standing forward fold and a back bend using your blocks. Then fold forward over the props to slowly stretch your legs and back. Finish with a supported supta baddha konasana. Props Needed: A bolster, a blanket and a block.
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