Immune boost

Your body has its own innate system of protection and nourishment. Give it a boost this season with a collection of classes that support optimal wellness. You’ll focus on enhancing lymphatic flow, an important part of healthy immune function, through forward folds, twists, long holds, and tapping and massage techniques.

Created by Glo
8 classes • 336 mins


Level 1-2 60 mins

If you're feeling rundown or battling the first signs of a cold, this rejuvenating class will support lymphatic flow while conserving energy for your immune system. Begin with a breath-guided meditation then massage your upper body with reclined stretches and a series of dynamic pumping movements in lunge poses. Wrap up with forward and back bends, a supported twist, and savasana. Props Needed: A therapy or tennis ball, a block, a blanket, and a bolster.


Level 1-2 30 mins

A brief overview of some easy and effective exercises that you can do anywhere to help boost your immune system. Learn body tapping for skin stimulation, swinging arms kidney massage, lymphatic drainage sun salutations and positive thinking hip openers. Find motivation for a new level of health. You'll start the movement portion of this class close to the 7:40 mark.


Level 1 30 mins

Your immune system can use some extra TLC in the Spring. Using the principles of Ayurveda, begin with a cobra-inspired sequence that incorporates twists and poses to awaken your upper chest and lung region to help cultivate and stimulate the nurturing intelligence inherent in your body. Use pranayama or breathing techniques combined with long holds as your internal weapon so you can protect and nourish in this transitional time of year. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 60 mins

This immune-strengthening class focuses on hip openers, twists and functional core strength. These long holds of deep expansive poses help you feel taller, release tension and flush out the lymphatic system for full-body immune-boosting, rest and restoration-promoting balance.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Have you spent a couple days in bed with a head cold or allergies and feeling a little stiff? You may not be ready for your full force vinyasa class, but you may be feeling well enough to get a gentle move on. If you're around the bend of your cold, this class may be just the right touch for what ails. We'll keep it slow, smooth and nourishing. Props Needed: 1-4 blankets, two bolsters, a block, a strap and a handkerchief.


Level 1 60 mins

A yin practice designed to support the functioning of your immune system and awaken the inner intelligence of your body. According to Ayurveda, the immune system serves as the body's intelligence, and this deep practice serves to awaken it. Focus on the circulation of your lymphatic system, an integral part of the immune system, through forward folds, twists, and supported backbends. Props Needed: A bolster and two blocks.


Level 1-2 10 mins

When you are feeling down or depleted this is the practice for you! This meditation stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and the right hemisphere of the brain to adjust, balance and help remove inner conflict. Think of it as advanced immune therapy! Use it to promote heath and wellness and combat any dis-ease of the body. Practice regularly for maximum benefits. Enjoy!


Level 2 45 mins

Bring energy back to your body, working with specific meridians to increase wellness and improve your body's capacity to detox impurities.This sequence clears the pathways to and from your organs to balance your systems and support your immunity. In each pose, you'll learn the benefits and intentions that will optimize your wellness.

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