Core yoga

A traditional gym workout isn't the only way to strengthen your core. With an ongoing core yoga routine, you can expect to see positive changes in your abdomen and back. Moves that focus on balance are a particularly great way to work the core. In addition to improving strength, working this area can also help relieve back pain and even improve your posture. Engage your abdominal muscles with Glo's classes for core yoga.

Created by Glo
9 classes • 308 mins


Level 2 30 mins

This yoga conditioning class targets the core from every angle. Tap into your strength with a supine exercise, then build the heat with Tabletop step-throughs, Oblique Crunches, and a dynamic Salabhasana. This class was previously streamed on February 5, 2021. Props required: 1 block. Props suggested: 1 additional block.


Level 1-2 30 mins

It’s easy to get thrown off-kilter when our days don’t go according to plan, but taking just a few moments to recalibrate can help bring you back to center. This 30-minute class offers a combination of playful poses to challenge your balance and steady your mind. Take a risk and try Seesaw to Vira 3, a rigorous Plank series, and Boat pose with leg switches. Finish with supported Bridge pose, Supine Pigeon, and a final Savasana to bring your focus full-circle. This class was previously recorded on November 23, 2020. Suggested Props: 2 blocks.


Level 2 45 mins

Whether you’ve been working on Crow pose (Bakasana) for a while, looking to gain strength and control for other poses in your practice, or just looking to play, this Vinyasa is the perfect steady class for you. Not only does this pose strengthen the upper arms, forearms, wrists, and abs, but it also stretches the upper back and groin, and improves balance and coordination. Today is day 9 of Glo's 30-Day At-Home Yoga Challenge and was previously streamed on January 9, 2021. Props suggested: 2 blocks, strap.


Level 2 30 mins

This balanced practice is a great core strengthener for all levels. Begin with reclined abdominal work and Plank variations, move through Lunge salutations, then challenge your core with half and full Boat Pose and reclined versions of arm balances. This class was previously recorded on September 29, 2020.


Level 2 30 mins

Build confidence to sit with the unknown throughout a strong and challenging core-strengthening flow. Explore energizing, non-traditional vinyasas featuring sun salutations with rainbow rolls and creative balance work that will fire up your center. You'll focus on what's working as you burn through what's holding you back. This class was previously recorded on October 16, 2020. Props Needed: A block.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Sneak in a great workout at any time of day. Begin by building heat with breath of fire, ab work, and pushup variations, then fire up your lower body with curtsy squats, lunge jumps, kneeling squats, and tabletop glute exercises. Give it one final push with more ab and oblique exercises before unwinding with camel, melting heart, bridge lifts, and a few supine stretches. This class was previously recorded on October 14, 2020.


Level 2 20 mins

Work your core the whole way around: front, back, sides, and also inside via breathwork. Begin with kapalabhati breathing, practice asymmetrical and symmetrical core exercises, and end with nadi shodhana.


Level 2 60 mins

This challenging flow is all about building that slow burn in your core. Move steadily through an unhurried series of strengtheners for the abs, side body, and lower back, using gravity and props to create resistance. Props Needed: A block and a strap. Props Suggested: An additional block.


Level 1-2 20 mins

Get fired up as you wake up! This class will help you connect your movement to your breath, with an emphasis on activating and strengthening your core. Challenge yourself with boat pose variations, creative ab work that feels like crow and side crow on your back, as well as plenty of plank and forearm plank. Welcome to a strong and focused day!

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