Yoga for flexibility

Having great flexibility isn't just limited to a greater range of motion. By practicing yoga for flexibility, you will benefit from less muscle tension, better posture, improved circulation, and a lower risk of injury. Flexibility isn't a requirement for practicing yoga - it's a result! If you have tight muscle groups, whether it be due to activity, dehydration, injury or stress, practice yoga for flexibility with Glo.

Created by Glo
8 classes • 271 mins


Level 1-2 30 mins

Sometimes all you need is a good stretch. This is a "yin-inspired" hatha class where stretching is the main focus. We navigate through virasana (hero pose), upavistha konasana (wide-legged seated fold), malasana (garland pose), lizard pose variations (lunges), anjaneyasana and pigeon prep. We finish off by working out the kinks in our wrists and forearms via self-massage and stretches. Enjoy, my fellow yogis!


Level 1 30 mins

A basic and gentle class focusing on seated and reclined postures that bring flexibility to your hips and legs. It's perfect for beginners, or people with limited mobility. Warm up with various reclined leg rotations using a strap (supta utthita hasta padangusthasana) and hip opener thread-the-needle. Work up to more challenging seated postures such as cobblers pose (baddha konasana) seated twist (ardha matsyendrasana) and seated thread-the-needle. Suggested Props: A strap, a blanket or block to sit on.


Level 1-2 20 mins

This Hatha class is all about the hips. Learn 10 postures to build strength and create more mobility in the full circumference of the hip joint—including the inner and outer hips and hamstrings. Peak poses include Reformed Low Lunge, Wide-Legged Squat, Half Monkey, and Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Welcome to Day One of your flexibility program! Work from the ground up, creating added ease and length in the muscles and joints in your calves, legs, and low back. Paying close attention to breath and alignment, stretch through a standing series, seated poses and a well deserved savasana. Alternative props found in your home are mentioned throughout this program. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a strap.


Level 1-2 15 mins

Continue the hip work you began in the first class, creating a bit more intensity with new postures and movements. Begin with a seated stretch then practice another variation of windshield-wiper movements into upward stretches. You'll round out the class with dynamic transitions from malasana to a seated twist to help counteract the effects of sitting and slouching throughout the day.


Level 2-3 60 mins

Train your endurance with the consistent flow of this strengthening practice. Targeted sequencing and verbal cueing will help access more flexibility in your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, glutes and shoulders. Flow into upward facing bow before concluding with a restorative "legs up the wall" or longer savasana, allowing some time to rest and recover. A great practice for athletes of all varieties to create more range of motion where you need it most. Props Suggested: A block and a strap.


Level 2-3 45 mins

Find your genuine flexibility with this 45-minute powered-up conditioning class. Mobilize joints and activate stabilizing muscles with grounding and energizing poses. Practice not relying on assistance from external forces like pulling with the arms to crank into poses, and instead, use internal power to guide you deeper and find the areas you may need to take a gentler approach. Begin warming up the shoulders and hips before exploring their strength and mobility in Bridge and Badha Konasana. Move through Reverse Namaskar, Surya A, and a heat-building lower body strengthener. Find time to play with Flying Pigeon and Hurdlers pose. Experience feeling strong yet fluid in your movement as you release energetic blocks and leave feeling lighter.


Level 1 30 mins

In this 30 minute class we practice a slow, thorough sequence for opening the hamstrings. Includes supine leg stretch sequence (supta padagusthasan series), Standing forward bend (uttansasa), downward facing dog (adho mukha swanasana), wide legged forward bend (pasarita padotanasana), Head to knee pose (Janu sirsana), and seated forward bend (pascimottanasana). Props Needed: A block, a blanket and a strap.

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