Low-impact resistance training for core strength, muscular endurance, and posture.
Mat Pilates is an energizing practice that focuses on toning, stretching and elongating the muscles. It shares many common threads with yoga, including a focus on alignment, mind/body connection, and specific breathing techniques. Named after creator, Joseph Pilates, this system of low-impact resistance training is designed to improve core strength, muscular endurance, and posture.
Generate functional core strength in this mixed-modality class that works your abs and obliques while opening up through your spine. Move briskly through a higher-level series with Roll Down, Hundreds, Teaser, multiple Plank variations, slow Push Ups, and Mountain Climbers. You’ll explore how your core supports balance and stability, especially in yoga postures like Warrior III. This class previously aired on March 11, 2025.
This refreshing class strengthens and activates your lower body (legs and glutes specifically) while incorporating your core for the ultimate Pilates workout. You’ll focus on the mind-body connection in a brisk, powerful sequence with standing resistance band exercises, Bridge, hip abductor work, Lunge variations, All Fours glute work, and outer thigh pulses. This class previously aired on March 10, 2025.
Gain a deeper understanding of movement in your Pilates (and yoga) practice with this essential class that teaches the three planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse. You’ll warm up with Cat/Cow and Child’s Pose, then move through C-Curve, Roll Down, Leg Circles, Single and Double-Leg Extension, Saw, Bicycle, and Kneeling Side Kicks. This class previously aired on March 5, 2025.
This Pilates practice focuses on opening your chest, shoulders, and hips to leave you feeling aligned with your heart. Start with Cat/Cow into baby Cobra and Swimmer, then move through a supine ab series, Reverse Plank, and High Lunge, and enjoy practicing breathwork to further open your heart and ground your being. This class previously aired on February 26, 2025.
Elevate your energy, stamina, and strength in this mindful Pilates series that activates and works your powerhouse. Challenge yourself in this higher-intensity, higher-level class that uses a stability ball and ankle weights in Bridge work, All Fours work, Kneeling Push-Ups, and side-lying outer thigh exercises. This class previously aired on February 24, 2025.
This class is full of mindful exercises to support your lower back with recovery-style strength-building. You’ll gently guide your body through a mild Pilates series that includes prone core and spine activation, rolls for the lumbar spine, side-lying inner and outer thigh work, All Fours, and more strength-stretch style practices. This class previously aired on February 20, 2025.
This Pilates class focuses on deepening the mind-body connection to enhance mobility. You’ll glide through slow, low-intensity movement while pinpointing tension and releasing it using enhanced physical awareness. Explore standing roll downs, neck rolls, twists, arm circles, Tabletop to Down Dog, a side-lying series, Reverse Plank, and Shoulderstand variations. This class previously aired on February 19, 2025.
Strengthen your powerhouse — abs, obliques, glutes, inner thighs, and pelvis — in this fiery workout. The high-energy series includes Hundreds, Roll Down, Hip Curl variations, Roll Over, Bird Dog, Side Bends, Plank, and stretches. Building a strong powerhouse can support your movement practice and everyday life in so many ways. This class previously aired on February 11, 2025.
Activate, tone, and strengthen in this challenging Pilates class that targets every muscle in your core. Move briskly through Bird Dog with weights, Planks, Push Ups, a Seated C Curve series, Tabletop exercises, and reformer-style exercises. Building a strong, connected powerhouse can fuel your practice and life in so many ways. This class previously aired on February 10, 2025.
Challenge the entirety of your legs in this fun, fast-moving class that elevates your strength. You’ll warm up with core work, then progress into a powerful prop-assisted series that targets your glutes, inner thighs, hamstrings, and quads. Exercises include Hundreds, Leg Circles, Half Roll Down, Hip Curls, Lunges, side-lying work, and kneeling work. This class previously aired on February 5, 2025.
This refreshing Mat Pilates class focuses on building heat (and strength!) using core and balance work, which is excellent for your morning routine or to release stress at the end of your work day. You’ll keep things moving in a fun, functional series with breath awareness, self-massage, C-Curve into Roll Down, Scissor into Reverse Curl, Reverse Tabletop, Plank variations, and Power Lunge. This class previously aired on February 4, 2025.
Feel expansive and free in this fun, flowing Mat Pilates practice that unlocks your shoulders and hips while strengthening your inner thighs, core, and entire posterior chain (back-body muscles). Start by loosening up with spinal undulations and light twisting, then move through C-Curve, Roll Down, Hundreds, Single- and Double-Leg Stretch, Criss Cross, 90/90, and Side Plank. This class previously aired on January 28, 2025.