This collection is curated to commemorate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day on March 8. From various yoga styles to meditation and Pilates, each remarkable woman-led class aims to celebrate, support, and empower womanhood through all phases and stages. Join us on the mat throughout March in honor of all women — those who encourage you to show up as your best *and* yourself.
Created by Glo
• 575 mins
This Vinyasa class builds strength you can carry with you into your day through brisk movement and steady breathing. Begin warming up the lower body with hamstring exercises and modified Chaturanga Push-Ups. Then, move through Chair Pose and Standing Splits before peaking in King Cobra Pose. This class was previously streamed on May 25, 2021. Props Suggested: 2 blocks.
Self-love is a practice of turning inward to feel nourished, protected, and fortified, helping us show up present for all things in life. This class guides you through practicing self-love in a mostly standing, strengthening sequence. Highlights include balancing and asymmetrical standing postures with Planks blended in between, baby backbends, forward folds, and hip-openers. This class previously aired on February 19, 2024.
This class meditates on the Chinese medicine concept of menopause being “the second spring,” which can help to reframe this time as a powerful transition. Learn about the Microcosmic Orbit Qigong practice to redirect energy flow, then glide into Yin poses, including Butterfly Pose, Sphinx Pose, Wide-Knee Child’s Pose, and Pigeon Pose. This class previously aired on January 9, 2024.
Test your concentration, balance, and endurance in more ways than one throughout this strong Vinyasa practice. You’ll build heat right away while flowing through a progressing sequence featuring Half Moon, Warrior, Goddess Squat, Lizard Pose, Bound Angle, Pigeon Pose, and Happy Baby. This class previously aired on January 11, 2024.
Work your entire body using props to increase strength and flexibility while maintaining core stability. Move through a challenging series with Standing Footwork, Lateral Lunges, Tricep Press Downs, Bicep Curls in Roll Ups, and more empowering Pilates exercises. This class previously aired on November 10, 2023.
This simple yet powerful sequence is full of postures that support the journey of menopause by balancing your body and mind. Explore Stretch Pose, Cobra, Vajrasana, Supta Virasana, and Shoulderstand (with options), then end with a pranayama practice (breathwork) to bring cooling to your whole being. Props Needed: A bolster and a block or a stack of firm blankets.
Melt away stress and tension while freeing up your pelvis of any constriction. This practice uses relaxing, prop-assisted postures like Supported Bound Angle and Urdhva Paschimottanasana to help balance your hormones and level out mood swings. Props Needed: A strap, a bolster, and four blankets. Props Suggested: A towel to cover your eyes.
Roll out your mat to give yourself a moment of peace in this mindful Pilates class. Move slowly while connecting with your body and focusing on form in supine ab work, a mild Plank series, Bridge, glute and leg exercises, and a satisfying ending stretch. This class previously aired on January 3, 2023.
This full-body Pilates workout builds your confidence, leaving you standing taller and feeling stronger — mentally and physically. Follow a steady pace through Roll Down with Lunge, Hundred, Seated Side Stretch, an ab series, Swan, Swimming, and Push Ups. This class previously aired on June 26, 2023.
This soothing practice focuses on supportive postures and movement with loving intention. Begin with a seated sequence to center yourself then move through a Side Plank and Lunge sequence followed by a hands-on-heart final contemplation. This class was previously aired on September 13, 2021. Props Required: 1 bolster and 2 blocks.
Find a new appreciation for yourself in this slow-moving Yin practice. Using props as support, sink into a Forward Fold variation, Sphinx pose with Half Frog, twists, Reclined Bridge Pose, and Savasana, enhancing your flexibility while locating your inner power. This class previously aired on December 17, 2023.
Often, limiting beliefs can live in your subconscious mind and become a part of your unconscious programming, affecting you in ways you may not even realize. This meditation guides you in reframing those limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs. Discover ways to transform your story to become more empowering. This class previously aired on July 25, 2023.
Reflect on your life’s path and acknowledge your accomplishments while moving slowly through Half Butterfly, Sphinx, Child’s Pose, and Swan Pose. This relaxing class combines Yin and Restorative poses that strengthen the Third Eye Chakra, influencing your intuition and purpose. This class previously aired on July 10, 2023.
Move gracefully, with control from pose to pose, as you master balance through transitions. This strong flow takes you through Tree Pose, Warrior III, Wild Thing, Revolved Half Moon, Dancer Pose, Revolved Triangle, and Standing Splits while honing in on each breath with movement. This class previously aired on February 14, 2024. We apologize for the audio quality of this video, however this class is still audible.
This calming class is perfect when you’re overheated, whether due to menopausal symptoms or life itself. Move slowly to create inner space and ease through a relaxing sequence that includes Sitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath), Supported Down Dog, Supported Forward Fold, Lunges, Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose), and a Side Plank variation. This class previously aired on December 14, 2023.
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