Flowing postures linked together using breath.
Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term often employed to describe a broad range of yoga styles. Vinyasa can be decoded from its root words Nyasa denoting "to place" and vi denoting "in a special way." It symbolizes a flowing, dynamic form of yoga, where postures are linked together using breath.
This breath-led sequence is designed to brighten and lighten your day. Keep a steady flow while gliding through Child’s Pose, Low Lunge variations, Lizard Pose, and Bridge Pose, and enjoy practicing Alternate Nostril Breath to balance and refresh your entire being. This class previously aired on February 19, 2025.
Reset your mind, body, and energy in this revitalizing practice full of flowing transitions, twists, and uplifting movements. Glide briskly through a continuous sequence that includes twisted High Lunge, Parsvakonasana (Side Angle), Half Moon, and Flip Dog, then cool down in Bridge and Upavishta Konasana (Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold). This class previously aired on February 18, 2025.
This gentle morning practice focuses on stretching and elongating the spine to help reset your body as you rise from slumber. Expect an emphasis on forward folds, spinal flexions, and hip-openers in a steady flow with Firelog Pose, Pigeon Pose, Pyramid Pose, Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Warrior II, Half Moon, Side Angle, and Bridge. This class previously aired on February 18, 2025.
Tone and condition your entire body — especially shoulders, back body, and core — in this go-to strengthening flow. The energizing, heat-building sequence includes variations in Plank, Boat Pose, Locust, Warrior III, Utkatasana (Chair Pose), and reclined core work. This class previously aired on February 17, 2025.
This heart-opening flow encourages you to fill your cup, pouring self-love into yourself one breath and one pose at a time. You’ll awaken your mind, body, and heart in a brisk sequence with seated side bends, gentle backbends, Half Splits, Warrior II, Side Angle, and a spinal balancing pose, finishing with a renewed perspective to enter your day. This class previously aired on February 17, 2025.
This higher-level practice moves through a thoughtful sequence of inversions with accessible prep. You’ll strengthen your entire body (which is especially beneficial for your meditation posture) while considering what helps you approach life with dignity. Start with shoulder openers at a wall, then flow briskly through Forearm Planks, Bird Dog, Squats, Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand), Sirsasana (Headstand), Handstand, and standing postures leading toward Savasana and brief meditation. This class previously aired on February 17, 2025.
Invite a sense of peace to rise to the surface while flowing with your breath and leaning into the wisdom of your practice. This de-stressing sequence takes you through side bends, twists, Lizard Pose, Pigeon Pose, Forward Folds, an inversion of your choice, and Fish Pose while cultivating moments of space and meditation. This class previously aired on February 15, 2025.
This gentle, rhythmic practice encourages self-compassion in a breath-led sequence that features heart openers, backbends, and twists. Enjoy a slow, relaxed pace through Low Lunge, Crescent Lunge, Side Angle, prone backbends, forward folds, and Bridge. This class previously aired on February 14, 2025.
This heart-opening practice helps you access the power of love, inviting you to lead with kindness and compassion. You’ll flow through a dynamic sequence with Puppy Pose, Cat/Cow, Malasana (Squat), Tree Pose, and Dancer Pose (and its revolved version) before landing in Supine Twist and Savasana feeling radiant. This class previously aired on February 14, 2025.
This steady, intentional flow is designed to (physically) build strength in your hips while (mentally) cultivating the awareness to move forward with resilience. You’ll target the hip flexors, quads, and hamstrings in Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose), Low Lunge, Pyramid Pose, Warrior I, High Lunge, Warrior III, Lizard Pose, and Full Split. This class previously aired on February 13, 2025.
This energizing practice blends dynamic transitions and expansive stretches to leave you feeling joyful and refreshed. Start with side bends and core activation, the flow briskly through a continuous sequence with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Warrior II, Warrior III, Trikonasana (Triangle), Ardha Bekhasana (Half Frog Pose), and a backbend of your choice, then finish in Pigeon Pose. This class previously aired on February 12, 2025.
Flow steadily through Warrior II, Reverse Triangle, Floating Warrior, Half Moon, and Bridge while embracing the light of the Full Snow Moon. This moon provides a moment to reflect on the light you radiate, and your nature is to shine bright. This class is inspired by the concept of “We are already enlightened, but we have to practice to realize it.” This class previously aired on February 12, 2025.